YPPE Mini – Conference 2024
‘Pipelines of the future‘
31st October 2024
Wereldmuseum Rotterdam
Call for Abstracts
Second YPPE Mini – Conference (YPPEMC) will be held on 31st October 2023 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. YPPEMC is designed to network, share knowledge, inspire new technologies and for the development of the young pipeline professionals who are early in their careers.
You are invited to contribute to the proceedings of this YPPE Mini – Conference (YPPEMC) and get an opportunity to speak at the event. Three sessions with three speakers each is planned in the agenda. The authors under the age of 35 are invited to submit two-page abstracts. Among all the submitted abstracted, nine abstracts will be selected and the authors are invited to speak at YPPE Mini – Conference ’24 on 31st October 2024.
Authors are motivated to submit abstracts from the topics as mentioned below. Authors from oil & gas, water, district heating, chemicals, mining are invited to submit their abstracts. The topics can be from any of the following topics:
- Outlook on material, design & construction of pipelines
- Emerging technology trends in pipeline integrity management
- Operation & Maintenance (O&M) and Health Safety & Environment (HSE)
- Storage & transportation of new fuels & challenges in pipeline industry
- New fuels (Hydrogen, CO2 etc.)
- Digitalization of assets
- Pipeline policies and political challenges
- Data management and security
- Marketing and communication in pipeline industry
- Training and skill development
Deadline for abstract submission: 30th August 2024
Abstract acceptance: 15th September 2024
Criteria for submission
- First author and/or presenter is under the age of 35 years
- Abstracts are not sales oriented. It will be a concise and accurate account of the research, work, or project completed, together with an objective discussion of its significance.
Young presenter award
Among the nine young presenters, the best presenter will be recognized. The presenter will be awarded with a memento and a featured article will be published in Pipeline Technology Journal (PTJ).
The papers will also be available for download on YPPE website. Papers will be published and distributed to the conference delegates in PDF format. Individual papers will also be freely available to the institutions in order to promote citation and reference.