Here you can find all the transcripts from the first week of the YPPE Fest webinar series.
Day 1
Date: 23rd March 2020
Presenter: Dr. Sameera Naib
Company: HDM Pipelines
Title of presentation: Crack Growth Assessments in Welded Pipelines
Unfortunately this webinar was not recorded.
Day 2
Date: 24th March 2020
Presenter: Lewis Barton
Company: ROSEN UK
Title of presentation: Corrosion Diagnosis, A Fundamental Necessity of Integrity
Synopsis: Corrosion affects all metallic assets in one form or another. Yet, corrosion management activities are often, if not always, based on the same reactive approaches. In-line Inspection (ILI) is considered to provide the most complete data set for pipeline assessment; which in turn, has led to a reliance upon its results. To ensure a pipeline is protected from its current, and future corrosion threats, a smart and holistic analysis of ILI data must be adopted.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 3
Date: 25th March 2020
Presenter: Derek Storey
Company: Inspipe Integrity
Title of presentation: Precise Geometry Data Avoids Costly Offshore Repair
Synopsis: Learning about practical alternatives to conservative codes that can establish extent of repair required on a damaged pipeline, along with what makes the chosen method effective.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 4
Date: 26th March 2020
Presenter: Dave Cockfield
Company: IK
Title of presentation: Pathfinder – A new direction in pipeline proving, debris mapping and operational pigging
Synopsis: The pathfinder foam geometry tool was originally developed as a low risk, cost effective soft bodied tool for measuring pipeline geometry. This session sets out to demonstrate the functionality of the Pathfinder, applications and the extent of its operational capability through several high level case studies.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 5
Date: 27th March 2020
Presenter: Geert Bontekoe
Company: Quest Integrity
Title of presentation: Do We Require Gauge Pigs for Difficult Pipelines? (“To Gauge or Not to Gauge”)
Synopsis: For piggable pipelines the standard pigging sequence normally consists out of: Cleaning, gauge pigging, calliper pigging, and finally, the inline inspection (ILI) tool. This has worked well and is often recommended and required by the pipeline owners. But can the same sequence be used for difficult-to-pig pipelines and should the pipeline owner require a gauge pig run?
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.