Here you can find all the transcripts from the eleventh week of the YPPE Fest webinar series.
Day 1
Date: 8th June 2020
Presenter: Daniel Sandana
Company: ROSEN
Title of presentation: Managing External Stress Corrosion Cracking
Synopsis: Historically many pipeline failures have been reported due to external Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) in the oil and gas industry worldwide. Whilst numerous SCC cases have been reported on the American Continent from North to South, there is a much lower level of reporting of such problems in Western Europe which may have led to a misplaced confidence that the Old Continent remains relatively immune to pipeline SCC challenges. Our experience shows that the European markets are not immune to pipeline external SCC, with failures reported as early as 1968. In this presentation, the challenges of managing pipeline external SCC will be highlighted. An approach to understand more confidently the occurrence of SCC on pipeline network and to proceed to a more reliable management of SCC (and cracking) will be discussed.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 2
Date: 9th June 2020
Presenter: Adam Brown
Company: Aubin
Title of presentation: Pigging the Unpiggable
Synopsis: Aubin’s EVO-Pig range, along with associated gel products, presents an opportunity to overcome common challenges in pipeline pigging operations. With the ability to navigate diameter changes in lines of up to 50% as well as tight radius bends, wyes and tees, Aubin can supply a means to pig what would historically been considered unpiggable. A discussion of our EVO-Pig system and how it can be used in conjunction with traditional methods of chemical batching and treatment to offer solutions from dewatering and cleaning, as well as remedial options such as stalled/stuck pig recovery.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 3
Date: 10th June 2020
Presenter: Neil Mackay
Company: STATS
Title of presentation: Light Tight Double Block and Bleed Isolation of a High Pressure CO2 pipeline
Synopsis: Neil’s presentation today is on the successful hot tapping and plugging of a 30”, 500mile long, high pressure (148barg) carbon dioxide pipeline. STATS Group used their BISEP hot tap deployed plugging tool to perform the world’s first leak tight double block and bleed isolation on a carbon dioxide pipeline. The project was a great success and actually won the ‘highly commended onshore pipeline project award’ from the Pipeline Industry Guild in 2019.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 4
Date: 11th June 2020
Presenter: Neil Gallon
Company: ROSEN
Title of presentation: Integrity Management for Hydrogen Transport
Synopsis: This presentation will illustrate a comprehensive integrity management approach supporting pipeline operators with the conversion of their existing natural gas grids and operations for transporting hydrogen. It will summarise the potential threats, and the changes or additions to current integrity management (and potentially operating) practices needed to monitor these new threats.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.