Here you can find all the transcripts from the tenth week of the YPPE Fest webinar series.
Day 1
Date: 1st June 2020
Presenter: Gary Anderson
Company: T.D. Williamson
Title of presentation: Utilizing existing pipeline assets to expand offshore fields without fully decommissioning systems, with inline isolation
Synopsis: As Europe’s offshore fields deplete, new fields are brought onstream. Current inspection technologies allow for pipelines to outlive the fields they are supporting. In this webinar, we will explore utilizing an existing offshore pipeline to bring on a new field without decommissioning the line prior to tie-in.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 2
Date: 2nd June 2020
Presenter: Pedro Barbosa
Company: Fotech Solutions
Title of presentation: LivePIPE – The World’s most reliable real-time pipeline protection technology
Synopsis: Fotech’s LivePIPE is a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) system that uses the fibre optic cable which are already installed alongside most pipelines for communications, converting the fibre into an almost continuous sensor which detects vibrations caused by mechanical interferences. DAS technology can detect, identify and locate these vibrations through cutting edge photonics, advanced AI and edge computing, raising alarms within seconds for pre-defined threats, effectively acting as a real-time monitoring system for many integrity threats, particularly for unintentional and/or malicious third-party interferences.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 3
Date: 3rd June 2020
Presenter: Thiago Rezende
Company: INGU Solutions
Title of presentation: Pipers® – Smarter pipeline inspection with zero downtime
Synopsis: Ingu Solutions’ Pipers® technology provides oil and gas companies with immediate and affordable access to pipeline assets even in the most challenging conditions. This revolutionary technology uses miniaturized inline sensors to detect leaks, geometric defects, magnetic anomalies, and deposits that threaten the pipeline performance and safety with zero-downtime. Pipers® reduce inspection costs and strengthen preventive measures.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.
Day 4
Date: 4th June 2020
Presenter: Dr. Danielle Stewart
Company: National Grid
Title of presentation: The Gas Transmission Road to Net Zero
Synopsis: In June 2019, the UK Government committed to a legally-binding target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Today there are around 22 million customers using natural gas in the UK, with the gas national transmission system transporting almost three times as much energy per year compared to the electricity wires. This provides a significant challenge to ensuring the resilience and sustainability of the UK energy system. This talk will introduce the UK Gas Transmission System, set the context, describe National Grid’s commitments on the road to net zero, focus on some of the key challenges and options for the gas network, and demonstrate how National Grid is building the evidence to inform the future.
The recorded webinar can be accessed via this Link.